Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Busy Month

     This month is going to be crazy! On top of moving it sounds like I may be spending a bunch of time at the dentist office. I got called in yesterday for a cleaning and since it has been so long since my last cleaning she was unable to finish my cleaning in the time that was allotted so I have to go back next week. Hopefully I can stay on top of that a bit better and it won't be so long and painful next time. Also it appears that M has a cavity so he has an appointment in a week and a half. I am hoping that goes well.

     Packing has started and soon our house will be a maze of boxes. I feel a little more relieved with each box that gets packed and with each cupboard, drawer or shelf that is bare. Over the last couple days I have taken down each of the light fixtures that we put in this place when we first moved in.  It is hard to change out light fixtures when you are short and only have a step stool. Yes I am sore but I am glad that I got that out of the way. Soon I am going to take down all the pictures on the walls so that the painful task of wall washing can begin. I think I am looking forward to cleaning the tops of the cupboards the least. It is scary up there! The only nice thing about cleaning up there is that it is easy to tell where you have already cleaned. I can't wait till this is all done and we are all settled in the new place. I hope we are able to stay there happily for a number of years instead of what seems to have become the norm which is 2 - 3 years in each place.

      Also to keep me busy this month - I get to decorate a birthday cake for my nephew. He liked the cake that I made for my Dad so much that he decided he wants one just like it. So I get to make another John Deere cake. I hope it goes a little more quickly since I have done it before but we will see. Oh well - I am rambling again and it is time for lunch. So ttfn and hope you have a good day.

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