Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's Been A While

     The kids have just gone to bed and it is surprisingly quiet, well for the moment anyway. We are a little bit more settled than we were the last time I wrote. We got the birthday parties out of the way and they went well so that was good. J's parents came for a visit on the weekend and that went really well too although I would have to say I wish the visit had been just a bit longer. The kids were super sad to see them go but in less than a month they will all get to spend a lot of quality time together. Definitely looking forward to summer holidays. The next month is going to be a busy one with lots of field trips and final exams for the kids and appointments. I have a couple nail appointment scheduled so I will be feeling all fancy for the big wedding. I have also made an appointment to see the Dr. which is something I should have done long, long ago and of course I waited until I was in pain to make the appointment. I am not sure why I am so scared of Dr's but I do know that I am terrified of bad news. My Aunt that just passed away was really good about going to the Dr but in the end they didn't catch the cancer soon enough anyway. In February I also had a Great Aunt and a Great Uncle that were diagnosed with cancer. I am afraid of that kind of bad news. I am fairly sure my pain is from kidney stones. Not fun but survivable. Guess we will find out more next month.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

All Settled?

All settled? No, not quite yet but it is nice to finally be all moved and have everything in the one house. The kids are each in their own rooms and it is a fair bit more peaceful at bedtime. We had a birthday party for B on the weekend so a lot of stuff that was still waiting to be put away found its way up to our bedroom and there it sits waiting for us to deal with it. Oh well the kids have something that more or less resembles a playroom and the birthday party went really well. After B's party we had a family birthday party for B and G. Everyone was able to make it and it was nice having everyone over and there was plenty of room for everyone so that was nice. It is late and I am rambling a bit but I do that often. Let's see what else is new .... My sister K is engaged! It is good news that everyone saw coming :) Also since I last wrote our family is a little bigger. J's brother and his wife had their little spring tulip and she is the cutest little thing ever! I can hardly wait to meet her. I really wish we lived closer so that we could go see her right now! As always life seems chaotic and I am feeling like right now I just need to remember to breathe!