Tuesday, September 20, 2011


      The house is quiet now as all of the kids are at school and I have no extra kids until just before 1pm. My nephew is sick so I will watch him today while my sis gets to be parent helper at preschool. Seriously whoever thinks a stay at home mom has all the free time in the world is out of their mind. Anyway that is a blog topic for some other day when I feel the need to rant.
     Today I am wondering if any of you are like me? When I go to bed at night I usually fall asleep with some song in my head and when I wake up there is usually some other song stuck in my head. Sometimes it is a song I love and waking up with it makes for a good start to the day. Other days I just shake my head and wonder why, oh why would that song be stuck in my head? Today was one of the rare days that I woke up without a song and I really wish that I had. Good song or bad song ... really either way would have been better than what I woke up with stuck in my head. I had a dream that  my husband decided that he was leaving. He said he loved me but that he wasn't in love with me and he figured I felt the same so that was that. I let him go because I didn't want  him to  continue on with his life feeling stuck knowing that the very thought of him leaving breaks my heart. I find often when I dream that the way I react to awful stuff in my dream is quite different from how I think I may act if the dream were to happen in real life. Like my dream this morning for example. There is no way I would give up that easily, I would fight for us because I honestly can NOT imagine my life without J. Now I could probably get super sappy and go on for a long time about how much I love him but  with all the mushiness it would probably make you a little green . To sum it up he is my everything. A lot of the songs I wake up with stuck in my head are songs I may never have heard if it wasn't for him. Sometimes I think about writing down all the songs that are stuck in my head when I go to sleep and when I wake, just to see what the soundtrack to my sleep is. Oh well time to hit the showers - Zumba was good this morning even though I didn't feel like going. Thanks reading the ramblings of my crazy mind. Hope you have a good day!

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